Terms of Use

All the content provided on this website, BlasianBackpacker.com, is for informational purposes only. I do my best to provide good information and advice. I will make no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information and will not be liable for any errors, omissions or availability of this information. If you find any of the information to be out of date, feel free to send me an update. I take no responsibility for anything that happens to you while using this website, nor for any action you take after consuming information on this website. By taking any action from the information on this website you are assuming all responsibility for said action. I will not be liable for any losses, injuries or damages from the display or use of information on this website.

Occasionally posts on this site will include links to other websites or businesses. I am not affiliated with these sites or businesses and include them in good faith to give my own unbiased opinion and provide you with further information. If at any point these were to become affiliated or sponsored posts they will be declared on the blog post.

Comments policy: All comments made on this website must be respectful and made in good faith. Foul language and abuse will not be tolerated on this website. BlasianBackpacker.com reserves the right to edit or remove any comments that breach our blog comment policy without notice. BlasianBackpacker.com is not responsible or liable for any comments made by others on this website.

Copyright: All content on this website is covered by copyright. All words, photographs and videos are the copyright of BlasianBackpacker.com unless otherwise referenced. If you would like to use any of my content (photography or articles), please get in touch via the website form. I’d love to hear from you!

Privacy policy

SquareSpace hosts this website and uses Google Analytics to collect non-personal identification data for site maintenance and operation, to protect and improve the site platform, and to track website usage. This is to provide you with the best user experience. Personal data information collected includes; information about your browser, network and device; web pages you visited before coming to this site (search engine, social media, etc), your IP address. This information may also include information on how you use the website and includes; clicks, internal links, pages visited, scrolling, searches and timestamps. All data is analysed in a de-personalised aggregated form.

Information that you voluntarily submit to this website, such as via the webform on the “contact” page or on blog comments, will be collected in order to track and respond to your submissions. This information is shared with SquareSpace, the online hosting provider, and with Gmail for storage.

BlasianBackpacker.com is GDPR compliant. We collect functional and required cookies, analytics and performance cookies, and the name and email that you provide. Cookies are collected for site operation and to understand how users interact with the site. If you gave us a name and email, it will only used for responding to you, or to attribute comments to you. You have the right to access this data about you, and to edit or remove this data. If you wish to have your data removed please contact me via the web form. I do not resell or share any of your personal contact information with third parties.

Browsing and interaction on any other websites linked to The Blasian Backpacker is subject to that website’s own terms and policies.

BlasianBackpacker.com does not knowingly collect or retain any information from children under the age of 16. If it is believed that such information has been collected in this website’s database, this information will be removed immediately.

By using this website, BlasianBackpacker.com, you signify your acceptance of these policies.

The contents of this privacy statement is subject to change.